Friday, Oct 15
About 18:00hrs
I took a stroll cause my freakin’ head was getting’ cobwebbed with a whole lotta shit and for some reasons, an old school Boyz II Men’s joint kept playin’ in my head. It was like the song was stuck replay and it wouldn’t stop, in no time I was singin’ it too. Loved it back in the day, still love it. R&B cats these days jus’ don’t make shit like that no more.
And if you could see inside my heartAnd the chorus goes,
You would be depressed
And if you should know what am feelin’
You would be…blah blah (couldn’t remember that part so I jus’ hummed the shit out of it)
So I stay away lonelyI had nowhere particular in mind, I jus’ wanted to walk wit’ myself and talk to wind or somethin. Did you jus’ ask what that somethin is? Well, am not tellin’ *sticks tongue out*.
And only get away in my mind
I was so lost in thought; I didn't realize I was standin’ in front of the gate of one of the most beautiful estates around. It wasn't like I’ve never passed by it before but I’ve never really took the time to check it out properly.
The big sign board by the gate says the joint is called Aylmer May somethin’ (yep, that word “somethin’’ again but calm down and I’ll re-read the signpost again and let y’all know the complete name, ok?). Jus below the name of the estate, a line proclaimed that visitors to the estate will only be permitted from certain time to certain time. Ooh wee, these niggas are very security conscious, or aren’t they? But then again, I expect nothin’ less from such a lovely and deeply quiet place.
I heard the estate has got alotta rich and well-learned folks kickin’ it in there wit’ some of their fams. No doubt, this place is not for Joe Blows…you can’t find no average Joe here. Estates like these have got that exclusiveness about them.
You’d already know without being told that only heavy-hitters call place this home. The old moneys; pot-bellied, bald headed and shit, the nouveau riche and of course, the young and the beautiful are in there.
Though, I don’t personally know anybody in this gated community but hell, I ain’t gotta personally know anybody there to know that only rich folks lives it up in there. The wealth in this neighborhood is so freakin’ obvious in the tree-lined “streets” and the well-tended lawns. One strange thing though, I noticed that there were no cars…strange, right?
So there I was in front of this extravagantly rich estate and am thinkin’ about a friend of mine from a few years back, his name was NASIR. And yep, I used WAS cause that nigga been DEAD for a minute now. Isn’t it strange for me to be thinkin’ about a dead friend in front of such opulence?
I think not and I’ma tell you why…
My nigga NASIR was a Muslim and am standin’ in front of the Aylmer May Cemetery! Do you know that when Muslims die, they don’t waste time or money tryna pretty-up a dead people? They jus’ wash the body and wrapped up nicely in white sheet before sendin’ them on their way to the hereafter.
Now that’s how I wanna go, quietly floatin’ across River Stix wit my ass strapped in white cloth while coolin’ in a home-made coffin (would prefer no coffin if it would not mess wit the health of the people livin’ around where am gon’ be buried).
Bottom line, I still don’t understand why people waste a whole lotta resources on the dead. I just can’t wrap my big head around that concept. These niggas are dead for God’s sake; they don’t freakin’ care if their asses are buried in caskets draped with the purest of gold. As I walked away from the restin’ of the dead, I only had one thought in my mind, when I die, jus’ fuckin’ toss my ass in a grave the same fuckin’ day, no pomp no pageantry!
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