Saturday 10th September 2011
Woke up at 9am, I said to Mia, "Time to get up baby". "Please Mum I don’t want to go to school". "Today is Aunty Aine's wedding," I told her; screams of excitement ensued. I had packed all our stuff the night before, so it was time for showers, cutting and painting nails and all the trimmings. My girls were so excited as they were to be flower girls that day!
So at 11am we left our house to go to for a nice breakfast together before heading to the hotel, half way there, SHOCK, HORROR, I forgot my phone, swiftly turned the car and sped home to collect my most valued possession, my phone. So off we went on our merry way once again for breakfast, but due to the time we ended up at the hot food counter in the local supermarket buying sausage rolls, and eventually eating our brekkie in the car, in the car park, CLASSY BIRDS!!!!!
12.15pm we finally arrived at the hotel, as I was gathering our stuff out of the car I heard “Aimee” the bride hanging out the hotel room window having a fag in the “no smoking hotel” another classy bird, but that’s why we love her so much!!!!!!
At the reception desk to check in, problem; room is not ready, even though I might add that I had called twice in the previous week to make sure we had an early check in as we had the flower girls with us and needed time to get them ready!!! 15 mins they told me, into the bar we went, complimentary drinks for the poor service, thank you very much, 30 mins later back out to the reception, I asked what is happening with our room, just another 15 mins she told me, now I’m calling managers and shouting!!!!! Luckily they gave us a room before I made too much of a stir, up to room 341, me, my girls and make-up artist Joanna.
1.30pm into the room we go, one bed! For 3 adults, uh oh I thought to myself Big Red (that’s ma Bessie by the way) is gonna lose the plot, along comes the hairdresser to do the girls soon followed by Red. “One fucking bed” were the first words outta her mouth (told ye). Red was on the phone pronto, “this is a disgrace” yatta, yatta, 10 mins later Bref and her sister Niamh arrived, also not impressed by the one bed situation, “knock, knock” it was a maid with a bed under her arm, YES under her arm, this is getting a bit amusing now but we wouldn’t tell the staff that, Noooooo we are appalled as far as they are concerned, so back on the phone more unfriendly banter and finally they agreed we would be moved to a bigger room, so now it’s all systems go in the room, children are getting their hair done, me, Bref and Niamh are getting our make-up done, so in the room we now have 2 kids, 3 adults, a make-up artist and a hairdresser, just to give you an idea of the pandemonium.
So it’s now approaching 4pm and the ceremony starts at 4.30pm, Naomi and Mia are ready just to put on their dresses, they look amazing! I’m all ready to go and I have butterflies I’m so excited to see Aine getting married, 4.10pm drop the girls to Aine’s room and head downstairs.
4.40pm I’m sitting at the edge of the seat close to the top of the room where it’s all going down, Gave Garry a wink but to be honest he is the most calm looking groom I ever saw, music starts in comes Bobby Joe (Garry’s son) followed by my Naomi, she looked so beautiful, I never felt so proud, and people gasped and awed at her I wanted to jump up and shout “Ya, that’s my baby” but I contained myself, next was my Mia, once again I was as proud as punch, and she was throwing white rose petals from a little bag, too, too cute I tell you!!!! Next the mini bridesmaid (not much to say cause I don’t know her) but she was lovely too, then finally a very pregnant maid of honour, Vivienne, Aine's first cousin and a friend, glowing she was with her baby bump.
4.50pm, the singer began to sing “she moved through the fair” a very traditional and beautiful Irish song, very Enyaesque, Aine stepped into the room, linked arm in arm with her father Kevin O’ Rourke, she was stunning, an absolute vision, her dress was a long white lace fishtail, sweetheart neckline and a black sash around her waist. I remember thinking, “she looks so happy”.
The ceremony was lovely I liked that the pastor threw a few jokes here and there cause it reflected the their personalities perfectly, their vows were very traditional ones, but I liked that to be honest, the pronouncing of husband and wife for the first time and their first kiss was so touching cause it was written all over their faces how happy they truly were. These two were undoubtedly born for each other. They both have had an abundance of heartache in their lives and have overcome many adversities, so having found each other and committed to spending the rest of their lives together is a blessing, and I was honoured to be invited to witness it and have my children play a part in that very special day and for that I am very grateful.
I contemplated telling you guys all about the night that ensued, but that’s all a bit unclear all I know is I drank, drank, drank and drank a vast amount of alcohol, there was dancing definitely dancing, danced with the father of the bride to my father’s favourite song “Red Rose Cafe”, there also was singing in the residents' bar, woke in the morning to find a mysterious pair of worn tights and heels that didn’t belong to any of us, the bar man ended up in our room also another great mystery as to where he came from, very unclear as to the night's events, anyway you have heard the most important bit.
That’s my story, don’t wear it out or I'll make you create me a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved reading this! I see we are learning a lot about different cultures and personalities on this blog and I love it. Awesome Aimee/ Dobs.