Tuesday, January 8, 2013


January 8

Lately, I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about drawers, boxers’, jockstraps and all those other contraptions men wear beneath their pants to keep the deep V divers and the cojones in check. The “deep V divers and the cojones, don’t you jus like how that sounds, huh? Ladies, those words sounds so so sweet, don’t it?

I’ve also been thinkin’ about bras, French cuts (nods), granny panties (yikes!), g-strings (yum yum) and things. I’ve been thinkin’ about personal hygiene and jus generally keepin’ shit fresh and clean when steppin’ out the crib.

It is often said that the thought or things you start the day/week with will pro’ly become a recurrent feature in the course of your day/week. So, flash back to the first day of the year (that’s a week ago…funny how time flies, eh?) and how I went on and on about writin’ my first blog entry for the year in my lucky white drawers, y’all remember that, right? Well, a lil’ voice inside my head has been talkin’ to me, more like advisin’ me.

The voice started out as a whisper but after what I witnessed yesterday, the whisper has morphed into the deepest of baritone, kinda like Barry White or Mike McCary (of Boyz II Men gone) on speed! The truth about this whole thing is, the voice is so fuckin’ right. Huh, what has the voice been tellin’ me?

Umm, first give me a minute to hit y’all off wit what went down yesterday then I’ma get back to what the voice has been tellin’ me, ok?


January 7



I’d jus left the game’s arcade upstairs where I’d gone to shoot a lil’ hoop (I usually go there to get some relieve) and was makin’ my way to the staff’s staircase when I noticed a girl slumped over another girl’s shoulder.

My eyes, out of their own accord aimlessly roamed to the damsel in distress’ low-rise jeans and her exposed crack! I’m not ashamed of myself but am not proud of my eyes.

I know 99 per cent of men in similar situation will get an eyeful and the one per cent who wouldn’t are pro’ly blind.

After I managed to unglue my disobedient eyes from the red g-stringed crack, I moved close to get my Good Samaritan on. With the help of the two female waiters from Muchacho and a couple havin’ their lunch on the table next to the girls, we got the girl off her friend’s shoulder and laid her down on the cold hard floor of the restaurant.

The story as told by the friend was that they’d gone to donate blood at the hospital and that they’d come straight from there to Muchacho to grab a bite to eat. They’d hardly started wolfin’ through their chicken and chips and things than the black in her friend’s eyes started makin’ their ways to the roof of her socket. Shawtie was slippin’ into consciousness and that was when she called out to the couple on the next table for help.


We moved the chick to Muchacho’s private dinnin’ room and laid that booty down on the table. A female waiter took the girls jacket off and loosened her belt. The fan was turned on as we kept tryin’ to get shawtie back to consciousness.

All the while, the friend was in the back ground all shaken and cryin’ her eyes out.


Here’s what the voice’s been tellin’ me

“Buy a new set of drawers. God forbid you collapse in public and folks need to take off your clothes to get you some air”

Witnessin’ what happened yesterday drove home anew what I’d already known; when a nigga is dyin’ or sick, nothin’ else matters. All the expensive and trendy shit that we kill ourselves to buy don’t mean shit when you’re fightin’ for your life.

Havin’ said that, y’all should make sure that every time you step out your crib, put on some fresh clean underwear…you never know when the unnecessary might occur.

Imagine you got knocked over by a car or blacked out due to some unfortunate incident and this shit happened on the day you got on your old ragged drawers, granny panties, dirty g-string, tattered socks etc…jus’ take a moment to imagine that.

I’m on a mission to buyin’ 10 new boxers soon…umm, I’m open to boxers’ wrapped gifts too. Ah ha!

Enjoy your tuesday. take care of each other

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