So, my car broke down a few weeks ago, electrical problem...the guy who was fixing it also fixed my stereo as I wasn’t able to get the radio stations! So I tuned into Red Fm a local station in Cork, Ireland, they were talking about 9/11. I text in with my two cents (don’t worry I’m getting to the point just trying to paint a vivid picture for you) since then they have been calling me to come on the radio occasionally and they called me this morning to see if i would be interested in talking to Victor Barry about the small things that keep a relationship going and how important the small things are in a relationship.
As I waited nervously to go on air, I listened to Adele and then on I went, I told him I believe that it is very important for couples to spend quality time together, especially when you have children because things can become really boring, he then asked me was I in a relationship, I laughed as I had to tell him “no” and explained that my ex was never really good at the romantic side of things, never made much of an effort, basically that he was a useless boyfriend, in fact I actually used those words!!
We continued to chat for a few more minutes till Victor went to a son, and then I spoke to Jonathon, said thanks for having me and so on!
Immediately I hung up the phone it rang again and my ex’s name cameon the phone, my stomach turned! I answered, he said “thank god you didn’t use my name, I can’t believe you said all those things about me on the radio” SHIT, busted I thought!! And to make things even worse he was in the car with his mother and she heard it too!!! Whoops
But I said to him “well did you hearing it on the radio make you realise how bad you were?” but luckily we laughed about it!! Still laughing about it to be honest, these things only happen to me, I’m convinced of that.
Now that’s what I get for trying b some kind of celeb on d wireless!!
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