5th Oct. Tuesday
Layin’ on the bed tossin’ and turnin... ummm, nah, not really! I actually enjoy stayin up, I got the radio, the shadows on the walls and the sound of the night to keep me company... did somebody jus’ say, what about Facebook, your good friend? Of course Facebook, how can I forget that? Yeah, I know, shame on me. Lol.
So there I was, under the sheets facebookin’ and the same time, keepin’ an ear to the radio and other one to the crickets and cats outside (if this ain’t the height of multi-taskin’ then I don’t know what is. Lol).
In between all the multi-taskin’, I let slide a lil’ fart, the quiet ass-coolin type and went on postin’ my blog links everywhere on facebook. About five minutes later, I duck under the sheets to scratch my ankle (an itch from mosquito bite, I suspect) and boom, the full effect of my fart confronted my nostrils with the full wrath of an unkempt pigsty! I quickly reached for one of the sheets of paper I usually keep by the bed (jus’ in case inspiration hits) and began to fan my ass so as to disperse the smell. I uncovered myself jus’ so I don’t commit FARTRICIDE (the un-noble act of chokin’ to death on one’s own fart... don’t bother checkin’ the dictionary, it’s not there!)
BBC News came on and the usual grim economic stories were read. Arch. Bishop Desmond Tutu was rantin’ against the South African government for not grantin’ the Dalai Lama visa to visit him for his 80th b’day, then came a word I've not thought about since last month’s cowardly incident by a coupla animals masqueradin’ as men at the Abia State University (Nigeria)... the word was, RAPE!
And nah, BBC's news item didn’t say anything’ about anybody getting’ raped per se but one of the folks they interviewed bout the current economic crisis in Greece said somethin’ about the “the rape of the greek people by its leaders” ...the word rape snapped my mind back to that pusillanimous (ah ha, am tryna show off my vocabs) incident at what is suppose to be the ivory tower, a place where future are leaders are molded... crazy ass shit!
I read somewhere that the Congo is the rape capital of the world and that South African is not far behind... crazy! I shut down the laptop, put the rape incident out of my mind and tried for some shut-eye...
Goin’ through updates on facebook, I came across this update on BBC Africa Have Your Say’s page:
“Is enough being done to protect women against sexual violence? There are protests in Nigeria today (5th Oct.) to raise awareness about and in particular they’re demanding action on the gang-rape of a young woman…”
Readin’ through the comments, alotta guys condemned rape but you know there will always be one or two fools tryna poop on a good party. This is what one of the punkasses named Samson I. wrote:
“Them gurls are the architect of their problems. They put on sexy clothes xposing their breasts and ass. How wont those sexy stuff a brother sees gon neva arouse him? Am not saying they deserve to be raped but they gon put on sumthing sensible. This is crazy but sometimes I wish dis sharia law is in every state in Naija”
Can you believe such horse crap? I told that stupid ass nigga that if I wasn’t tryna be civil on up in there, I woulda cut him and his primitive punkass ideas down to size wit’ my verbal ass whoopin’.
It sickens me that any man would sink so low to the level of gettin’ pussies by force. I mean, where is the joy in robbin’ a woman of a piece of heaven that she could have given you willingly if you spat a tight game? A real ass dude should be thrilled by the fact that he’s able to successfully sell his game to any fine ass lady he digs... there’s a whole lotta pleasure in being able to convince a lady with words and charm, and if these two don’t cut it, impress that ass wit’ your moolah or some’.
Some folks, jus’ like the punk ass nigga I quoted above, blame shit on the way ladies dress, I say fuck dat, in my book, there’s no excuse for rape no matter what a chick dress that ass in. if a busta is so horny, he should go wank it off or get a Ho (if his broke ass is able to afford one, dat is) or better still, he should stick dat dick in a socket and fuckin’ die!
If I rule the world, I will not imprison any rapist, I will set them free... yep, free BUT that won’t be before CASTRATIN’ any punk ass found wantin’ and one more thing, I’ll hand the balls to them as d...
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