I threw up the deuce to the cute girl down the aisle without meanin' to. You can blame that involuntary hand gesture on the infectious tune bangin' in my eardrum via my celly's headphones; Chris Breezy, Kevin McCall and Tyga's Deuces won't stop tellin' me to flip both the index and middle finger. And would you believe? She smiled and waved back at me! The other “girl” she was with didn't even notice our little exchange, she was too busy tryna pick some grocery from the shelf.
I turned and walked to my favorite part of the stores…the bread counter! I love bread. Back when we were in the university tryna hustle for that degree, my boy Ameh a.k.a Amazin' used to call me the Ginger Bread Man, a testament to the undyin' love affair between me and that big ass loaf of bread.
I got my oven fresh bread and headed to counter to lay the cash down and bam! There was she was, right in front of me! That same cute girl from earlier... "standin'" right there, smilin' and reachin' out her cute hand to me like she knew me. Now what kinda man would I be if I let this new sweet familiarity go without showin' some love in return? Nah am not that kinda man. So, I reached out and touched her hand. Her excited movement made the "girl" she was with turned to looked at me.
"Hi", I said, removing my headphones while still holdin' on to the cute girl's hand.
"Hi", she said. I didn't really hear what she said but I read her lips. The noise level was a bit high, plus her voice was real low and soft. She smiled. Her smile, a carbon copy of the one the cute girl got.
"You guys look so much alike", I said, in my deepest voice.
She nodded and said, "Thanks".
She paid and as they turned to leave, the cute girl started cryin'. Her pretty eyes had cute lil' tears in 'em. I paid for my bread and caught up with them jus' as they reached their car then somethin' so freakin' surprisin' happened... the cute girl, the little two year old I jus' met called me Daddy!
What! My mouth weighed a ton, I tried but I jus' couldn't pull my thick lips together. The mother had a devious lil' smile on her face as she tried to load her loot from the store in the car while the baby cried for me…the new daddy. I scooped the lil' angel up in my arms and tried my best to soosh her up by rockin' her back and forth. After the mother got done, I pretended like my phone rang…
"Hello", I said to the dead phone while I stylishly made a quick get away from my new found daughter.
Imagine what would've happened if the husband or the father of the kid was there. Did somebody say paternity test?
Clever piece. I was feeling jealous as I read about the girl you met in the store thinking she was a young woman! You surprised me for real when I read she was 2! Nevertheless I am touched because the story is just so damn sweet! I'm also surprised the mother didn't mind you interacting with her daughter. I guess you must have looked like her Daddy for real and I am sure you're going to make a good one, one day.