Muammar Gaddafi the longest serving mutherfucker to ever rule a country!
Sorry, I mean no disrespect to the great man; so I’ma jus go ahead and rephrase that, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi the former president of the good people of Libya. Err!
Umm, that still doesn’t sound right, huh? *thinkin’* Oh, now I get it, Late punk ass Colonel Muammar Gaddafi the deceased formal president who shoulda skipped town when he had the chance to!
The old folks often say, “Never talk ill bout the dead”, right? I say fuck that, if the dead was a bad mutherfucker, talk bad bout his ass. Why should you pretend the person wasn’t bad, huh? Punk ass Gaddafi!
I was never a fan of Gaddafi and nah, I ain’t gon pretend like he knew me or ever heard of me while he was alive neither cause he didn’t, so you can understand my incredulity when I got a mail from him in my yahoo mail two hours ago, I was shocked!
I was like wow, all them updates I put up on facebook about how am gon kick this nigga’s ass had come back to bite me in my derrier. You know, if I had the ways and means back then, I woulda took the chance and gone bounty huntin’ in Tripoli or Siref or one of those towns, maybe I woulda been lucky to catch and collect the bounty placed on his ass. if I was the one who caught him, I would have taken a bunch of pictures for my facebook page before handin’ his ass over to the NTC (National Transitional Council). Ah ha!
Back To the Mail
I refreshed the page to be sure this was no trick somebody was tryin’ to play on me. Page refreshed and the mail was still there! The air conditioning in the room was on full blast but suddenly I was starting to feel a bead of a sweat roll down the back of my neck. Lol! Nah, am jus yanking your chains, there wasn’t even a drop of sweat on me but I was really curious though. I couldn’t believe Gaddafi would send me a mail, I clicked open mail and bing, it was Gaddafi’s wife!
Gaddafi’s wife
By now my interest was piqued but I put a reign on it and went on Google image first, punched her names in.
Why, you say?
Well, cause I needed a visual, you never know she might jus be askin’ me to wife her now that she’s a widow! Yeah, I knew it was a stretch but hey, stranger things have happened, right? Even getting a mail from a Gaddafi is strange thing, wouldn’t y’all say?
And the images I saw?
Umm, what do you guys expect a mother of seven of seven to look like? Exactly!
I thought to myself what the fuck, what a broad look like don’t matter as long as she got the dough. Besides, Kanye told me not to mess wit a broke nigga and Safia Farkash Gaddafi is the opposite of broke!
Content of the Mail
I am Safia Farkash Gaddafi, wife of the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi who was recently killed by NATO Forces and the Libyan Rebels. Following the crisis in Libya against my husband for a change of government, I was able to escape to Algeria with my daughter who recently gave birth to save our lives. I am desperately looking for a foreign reliable partner whom I can trust to handle part of the funds placed in a depository company in my name
And blah blah blah... the letter went on.
I laughed so hard even my boy Barry started smilin’ without knowin’ what I was laughin’ about, I printed the mail and showed him and he got his laugh on too.
These scammers must be dumb and whoever falls to shit letters like these deserves to be duped!
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