Imagin’ this...
You’re listenin’ to a quiz (Islamic recitation and general knowledge) program for young boys between the age of 10 and 17 years on the radio and the announcer jus’ called out the name of the first prize winner.
*In Somalian accent* our first prize winner is 11 years old Osama Bin Dobs and for his brilliant effort, he’ll take home $700 (seven hundred dollars) and...
When I heard what the other prize was, all I could say was "what the fuck? Are these guys serious?"
Did I mention that this quiz competition was put together by Al fuckin’ Shabab! Al Shabab, are you kiddin’ me!
Is any of my Muslim friends offended? Please, don’t be. Your boy’s is not on that islamophobe route…nah, none of that. I don’t swing dat way. It’s not how I get down and I know some’ y’all already know dat but, but wow, am still shakin’ my head at the latest antic by this war-mongerin’ Al-Qaeda affiliate.
Jus’ in case some of you ain’t ever heard of Al-Shabab, am gon’ try my best to break down who these guys are and their lil’ shenanigans. They are an Islamic (at least, that’s what they frontin’ as) organization but I can tell y’all for sure that this bunch are everythin’ but Islamic. Am I being judgmental? I think not... I mean, these systematically recruited kids as young as eight years old as child soldiers.
Islam is a religion of peace, right? Well, that was the original plan laid down by the Holy Prophet Himself so many years ago. But then, these fundamentalists, Al-Shabab, Al-Qaeda and ‘em came along and change the plan up, scrape the peace off, paint over it and put their own label on things... they fuckin’ gave the religion of peace a bad name...
Al-fuckin’ Shabab! Am still shakin’ my head at these heartless folks in military fatigue and turban. Al-fuckin’ Shabab!
As I bang this piece out the laptop, up in Somalia, folks are dyin’ by the truckloads from hunger. Oh, wait, did I say hunger? I meant famine (severe lack of food for a large population) and its smack right in the middle of Al-Shabab strongholds. These Quran wavin’ islamist militants until recently, had banned foreign assistance to it starvin’ population. Its members have also been known to hijack for themselves food and aid deliveries meant for the dyin’.
Did you get the picture I jus’ painted (of Al-Shabab)? Did you think of what that second prize might be? Give it up already cause am sure you’d never guess what that second prize is..
*In Somalian accent*... A GUN! Yep, that was the other prize... a gun for lil’ Osama Bin Dobs.
Are you shocked? I wasn’t but I was sure surprised. Here’s the full list of the prizes:
- First prize: $700 and a gun
- Second prize: a gun
- Third prize: two grenades
My question is, if these punks are so Islamic, why didn’t they give Quran and other Islamic and educational materials?
Now, am askin’ myself, what kinda adults will these lil’ fellas grow up to be?
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